Clothes maketh the man, but without the right shoes, you might as well not bother.
Ken de Burgh started selling shoes more than 50 years ago, in 1965, working in a large department store in Perth.
After 20 years there he decided it was time to go his own way and follow his passion for providing fine shoes. He knew finding quality shoes wasn’t easy, and finding ones that lasted was just as hard.
So in 1986, he opened his own boutique store, de Burgh’s, beginning with 15 carefully handpicked brands. Over time he built this up to 25 quality makers, each painstakingly chosen from the best manufacturers to ensure his customers have the finest range of men’s shoes in Perth.
His son Leigh started working in the store as a teenager during the school holidays. He quickly became part of the fixtures, so much so that when he left his full-time job with a reputable high-end brand, he joined his father in the store full time, much to the delight of Ken. Looking back on it with a smile, Ken says for him it was the most memorable event to happen in the business. Quite the proud father moment.
Between them, Leigh and Ken have a huge wealth of knowledge on quality, style, and fit that puts the department stores to shame. Listening to them talking about shoes, you can see their eyes light up as their passion and expertise shine through.
They each recommend shoes slightly differently. Ken focuses on comfort, practicality, and quality while Leigh emphasises the fit, colour, and style.
But despite their individual approaches, they both believe a great pair of shoes can change your whole outlook, transforming your appearance and how you feel.
Ken, maybe not surprisingly, doesn’t have a favourite pair of shoes. It’s almost impossible to choose from so many classic and modern stylish shoes available.
Leigh’s favourite shoes are a pair of brogues with tan leather and navy suede from the 90s.
Unlike most horrors from the 90s, they are still stylish and could fit into any wardrobe. He is rightly proud of them.
Because of their philosophy and the carefully curated range of shoes, you can be assured that any shoes you walk out with will look great on you and feel even better.
If you have an upcoming event, a new job, or you need a style catalyst to blast the cobwebs out of your wardrobe, first have a look round the web store here [LINK] for a few ideas. Then make sure you come in to see Ken and Leigh. There is no substitute for personal expert assistance and trying on a pair of shoes.
De Burgh’s like to think the right pair of shoes can change your life. It’s a big claim, but they’ve not been proven wrong yet.